*Originally posted on things are better with a parrott
La Tour Eiffel. Even if you have not been to Paris it evokes some sort of emotion. For me it was a kind of romance & glamor that only existed in dreams or days gone by, & certainly not something that could exist in my reality. But that all changed.
Rich & I set out for the tower on our first full day in Paris, each with our own agendas {unbeknownst to each other of course}. We enjoyed our daily dose of pain au chocolat & crepes au chocolat {seriously, we are in Paris. Chocolate for every meal is quite okay} we walked through one of the small parks below the tower. It was early still & few people were in the park. We stopped at the pond to admire the ducks {because the Parisian mallard is so much more chic than the American, no?}.
What occurred next is still as hazy as the morning it happened. I snapped a photo of a duck, looked over at Rich to discover he was down...on...bended knee! What!?! I am not sure if he held my hands or I clutched the camera, but I do know he asked me to marry him & I do know that I said YES! As in "yesofcourseohmygoodnessIcannotbelievethisishappening. Okay breathe." He stood up & pulled the ring out of his pocket. The ring that he carried around everyday in his work bag for two weeks before our trip & for 3 days in Amsterdam & 1 day in Paris. The ring that he, with a bit of help from his mom & sister, picked out by himself. The ring that is absolutely perfect & the first real piece of jewelry that I have owned & actually worn. Then I cried. I knew when the day came that Rich proposed to me it would be a surprise. He always said it would be. Was it ever!
Eventually we did climb 668 steps to the second platform of the the tower. The haze added to the dreamy feeling I was in. We decided not to climb to the top, but this was close enough to the sky for me!
When we came back down {though my heads were still in the clouds!} we went back to the spot where he proposed to snap this photo...just as the sun came out. We walked around Paris for the remainder of the day, visited Les Invalides then went back to our apartment in Montmartre for some wine to celebrate!
I will be back to share more photos & stories from the rest of our trip tomorrow!
Umm...y'all are darling! Hello? Put more pictures of y'all on your other blog! :) I had NO IDEA you were engaged. I've been reading your blog for a month now...I'm slow. Congrats!
Posted by: Kate@ Kids and Cocktails | 01/05/2009 at 11:25 PM
Congratulations! Paris is such a super dreamy place...and for him to propose there...I'm surprised, you could even climb up to tower!
Posted by: Inspira | 02/20/2009 at 06:45 AM
oh this is so sweet!
Posted by: joanna goddard | 05/07/2009 at 03:04 PM