I think I had some birthday luck at the thrift store the other day. I went in hoping to find a milk glass vase or two. I ended up finding four small ones & one large one, but it soon became apparent I would need a cart. As I went down the plate aisle I could not believe my eyes. So. Many. Pretty. Plates!! My thrift store/antique shop mentality kicked in, "Get a cart, quick! Grab plates before someone else does!" {side note: there were no people in the aisle at the time}. I ended up with 22 dinner plates & 64 dessert plates for about $45. Originally we were just collecting dinner plates, but decided to go for the dessert plates as well. So the total stands:
Dinner plates: have - 30; need - 175; total left to find - 140 {yikes!}
Dessert plates: have - 65; need - 150 -175; total left to find - 85 - 100
So...we have a ways to go. Good thing we have a year. Until the next plate...