I had a lot of fun working on this invitation suite with the bride, Camie, and Li Ward, who did all the calligraphy. Camie loved the Paige invitation suite, so we did a variation of that design. Li calligraphed their names, the wedding and reception location, as well "kindly reply" on the RSVP. I created a little logo of a horseshoe with mountains to represent the wedding location of Park City, Utah.
The invitation and RSVP were letterpress printed in poppy orange and gray. The RSVP was paired with a coordinating gray envelope and the outer envelopes was poppy orange as well.
{All photos and styling by Fat Orange Cat Studio}
Love it! =)
Posted by: shanon | May 23, 2012 at 01:15 PM
Hello! I just have noticed that your Rss feed of this portal is functioning without any failures, did you somehow complete all the settings all by yourself or you just turned to the original settings of this widget?
Posted by: Miss Brenda's blog | December 19, 2012 at 04:09 AM